Torino Process

Georgia has been involved in Torino process since 2010.

The Torino Process (TRP) is a participatory process leading to an evidence-based analysis of the vocational education and training (VET) policies in a country. Introduced in 2010 and carried out every two years, the Torino Process provides a snapshot of the state of development of VET systems in the ETF’s partner countries, an overview of progress made and priorities for the future.

More specifically, the Torino Process is a vehicle for:

  • developing a common understanding of a medium-term vision, priorities and strategy for VET development, exploring possible options for implementing this vision and/or making further progress;
  • designing and evaluating home-grown and affordable VET policies, based on evidence or knowledge and collaboration;
  • updating the analyses and achievements at regular intervals;
  • providing opportunities for capacity development and policy learning within and among partner countries and with the EU;
  • empowering countries to better coordinate the contributions of donors to achieving agreed national priorities.

