
On June 14, 2014 Georgia has signed “on the one hand Georgia and on the other hand European Union and Europe Atomic Energy Community and between their member states agreement on association, which has been ratified by the Georgian Parliament on July 18, 2014.
According to 361 Article of the Agreement, Georgia shall conduct harmonization of National Legislation to European Union legislative acts referred to in annex XXXII of the Agreement. The EU documents regarding qualifications and quality assurance are among them. Recommendation of the European Parliament and Councils of May 22, 2017, “on the elaboration of European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning”  is very important for entire education system. This document is a tool that supports transparency, comparability and recognition of qualifications on the European level based on learning outcomes. The principle of abovementioned document is to support qualification systems and lifelong learning based on learning outcomes.

Accordingly, the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement has started the process of education system analysis in 2014. In 2017, the revised National Qualifications Framework and the Classification of Classification of Documents of Classes were prepared. The package of legislative amendments was also prepared for the project approval. As a result of this process the revised National Qualifications Framework and Learning Fields Classifier was approved by Order of the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia in 2019 (order N69/n).


The National Qualifications Framework  considers the requirements of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF LLL) and European Higher Education Area Qualifications Framework (QF-EHEA). The document unites all the qualifications existing in Georgia, reflects the learning outcomes of different levels of general, vocational and higher education.The National Qualification Framework establishes what knowledge, skills, and responsibilities should a person have for obtaining the document verifying the completion of the relevant cycle.