On 30 November 2002 the European Commission and Ministers of 30 European countries responsible for vocational education and training adopted Declaration On Enhanced European Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training (the Copenhagen Declaration), which creates basis for the development of the common quality assurance framework for the vocational education and training in Europe.
The Copenhagen process aims at increasing cooperation in vocational education and training, in order to promote mutual trust, transparency and recognition of competences and qualifications, and thereby establish a basis for increasing mobility and facilitating access to lifelong learning. Furthermore, the Copenhagen process also aims at the improvement of the quality of vocational education and training and making it attractive.
Currently, a total of 33 European countries are involved in the Copenhagen process. Insofar as only the European Union Member States can participate in the Copenhagen process Georgia is not yet amongst these countries. However, this fact is not an obstacle for the reform implemented in Georgia in the field of vocational education to ensure the approximation of the system of vocational education with the European area.