EQAR Registration

National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement got registered at EQAR

On June 27, 2019 National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement got registered at EQAR -The European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education - https://www.eqar.eu/register/agencies/agency/?id=59  . Registration at EQAR was preceded by a positive evaluation of ENQA and full membership status, that the National Center for Education Quality Enhancement obtained in April 2019.

EQAR is a European public advocacy organization co-funded by European governments and stakeholders that promotes raising transparency and confidence in higher education, as well as the recognition of education in the European Higher Education Area.

Registration at EQAR means that the external quality assurance mechanisms, procedures and standards implemented in Georgia are in line with the quality assurance standards and guidelines (ESG-2015) established in the European Higher Education Area. The evaluation reports carried out by NCEQE will be published in the relevant database (DEQAR) produced by EQAR, which will significantly contribute to raising the reputation and awareness of higher education institutions operating in Georgia throughout Europe.
Membership of ENQA and registration at EQAR is an important step forward in the development of the quality assurance system of Georgia. It is one of the indicators of implementing agreements defined by EU-Georgia Association Agreement. On the other hand, it is in line with the EU "Modernization Agenda for Higher Education" and Bologna Process. In addition, membership of ENQA and EQAR enhances credibility of NCEQE both locally and internationally.

In the upcoming years, NCEQE will actively work on the implementation of the recommendations developed by ENQA. This will further contribute to the development of higher education quality in the country together with the membership of ENQA and EQAR.