WFME Recognition

National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement received Recognition Status from World Federation for Medical Education (WFME)
19 October, 2018

National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement is the first quality enhancement agency in Europe, which received the recognition status from World Federation for Medical Education (WFME).

In order to receive the recognition status National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement started negotiations with World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) in 2017. In 2018 the Center was evaluated by the international expert’s panel of WFME, which proved that higher education quality assurance standards, medical education benchmarks and procedures in Georgia are in compliance with joint demands of World Health Organization (WHO) and World Federation for Medical Education (WFME).

Receiving the Recognition Status from WFME is an indicator to the students, employers and the medical education community worldwide that the quality of medical education in schools and programmes accredited by NCEQE is of an appropriate and rigorous standard. It also means that students graduating from medical programmes accredited by NCEQE will have graduated from schools that meet the requirement of the ‘Recognized Accreditation’ Policy by Intealth in the US which is planned to take action in late 2024. ‘Recognized accreditation’ means that the accrediting agency of a medical school has itself been reviewed and recognized by an external quality assurance organization. This quality assurance/recognition organization, in turn, has been reviewed and approved by Intealth. Further information about the policy and what it means can be found here https://www.intealth.org/accreditation/#accreditation.



NCEQE'c Application for WFME Recognition

WFME Report on NCEQE's Recognition