
NCEQE utilizes its pool of experts when evaluating Education Institutions and Study Programs. There are four different pools – pool of authorization experts for HEIs, pool of accreditation experts for HE programs, pool of authorization experts for General Educational Institutions, pool of authorization experts for Vocational Educational Institutions.
Pool of authorization experts for HEIs and pool of accreditation experts for HE programs consists of local experts, international experts, employers and students.

However, NCEQE is constantly trying to increase the number of experts and therefore, the given numbers changes from time to time.


Rule of Authorization and Accreditation Experts’ Selection and Activities and Termination of Membership of Expert Pool

Code of Ethics of Experts of Authorization and Accreditation 

Video - Code of Ethics for Experts - NCEQE


video - Authorization Standards

video - Context of Higher Education in Georgia

video - Video on QA of Medical Education in Georgia