Thematic Analysis

The present thematic analysis explores the experiences gained during the first wave of cluster accreditation of higher education programs and aims to support the future development of the cluster accreditation process. The study includes an analysis of the accreditation expert reports prepared during the first wave of cluster accreditation and in-depth interviews with key stakeholders involved in the process, such as representatives of higher education institutions, representatives of the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement, and accreditation experts, including international experts.



The findings of the study identify both successful practices and the areas for improvement. Recommendations are aimed to the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement to support the continuous development and refinement of cluster accreditation process, thus contributing to the continuous enhancement of higher education quality assurance mechanisms.


The National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement works on reports that describe and analyze the overall picture obtained as a result of external quality assurance activities. Through thematic analyses, NCEQE reflects on quality assurance policies and processes to improve them at institutional, national and international levels.


The Rule of Implementation of the Thematic Analysis


NCEQE has conducted three thematic analyses with the support of an EU-funded Twinning project, in 2020-2021:


· Analysis of the relevance of the current practice of recognition of an internationally recognized international General Education program in Georgia in the context of international experience;

· Analysis of changes in the fields of Vocational Education in Georgia in terms of their content and compliance with the European Qualifications Framework;

· Higher Medical Education (including clinical education) quality assurance.



Based on the Memorandum of Cooperation concluded between NCEQE and the Erasmus + Georgia Office, in 2019, an analysis of the introduction of updated mechanisms for the authorization of higher education institutions has been conducted. The researchers – heads of quality departments at universities, as well as authorization experts and the leading staff of NCEQE - were directly involved in developing the new standards and in the process of authorization, in the framework of which development trends were identified and recommendations were developed to improve the processes. To view the results of the research, go to the link below.

Analysis of Development and Implementation of the Authorization Mechanism for Higher Education Institutions.



The Center is currently working on thematic analysis of doctoral programs and mechanisms for quality assurance of scientific-research activities in higher education institutions.Methodology for conducting thematic analysis was developed within EU-funded Twinning project “Strengthening capacities for quality assurance and governance of qualifications”, by the experts working on the project.

Methodology for conducting thematic analysis



Analysis has been conducted within the project “Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia” of East-West Management Institute in collaboration with LEPL – National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement.

The document includes an analysis of ongoing processes as well as provides recommendations to LEPL – National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement, educational institutions, and the professional community on how the compliance of law programs to the sectoral benchmark can be strengthened.
The full document is accessible only in Georgian


Study: Implementation of the new Law Benchmarks in the process of accreditation of academic programs



The document analyses Vocational qualifications for the services, architecture, construction, agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary fields of studies and examines their compliance with National Qualifications Frameworks of different European countries, identifies those fields of study/Vocational qualifications, that are not included in International StandardClassification of Educationat at this stage, but there is a clear demand for them on the labor market


Changes in the content of vocational fields of study and compliance with the European Qualifications Framework Thereof



Medical Education in Georgia: Quality Assurance, Main Trends and Challenges



The Following thematic analysis duscusses the problematics of Higher Medical Education in Georgia and is intended for Higher Educational Institutions, Higher Education Quality Assurance Agencies, Clinics and Hospitals, as well as the leading actors involved in Healthcare sector and other stakeholders on local and international levels. The findings and recommentations given in Thematic Analysis are addressed to the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement, The HEIs that carry out the Medical Doctor programmes and the Ministry of Education and Science. The working group thinks that the discussion and implementation of the results given in the report will be an important basis to inititate dialogue between the stakeholders and trigger effective activities for the sake of sustainable development of medical education in Georgia.

The document is created with the support of EU funded twinning project “Strengthening capacities for Quality assurance and governance of qualifications” (Germany AQAS, Estonia EKKA, Georgia NCEQE).


Thematic Analysis of 3-Year Progress Reports Submitted to the NCEQE by HEIs (executive summary)

The given thematic analysis aim to evaluate the impact of the 3-year Authorization/Accreditation progre report evaluation, that the NCEQE carries out. The goal of the analysis is to further develop the quality assurance mechanism of the NCEQE, with a focus on the Authorization/Accreditation follow-up evaluation.

The Authorization and Accreditation 3-year progress report evaluation report, as well as the authorization report of the same HEIs were analyzed within the research. Moreover, the wide variety of the stakeholders were interviewed and their perspectives were summarized.

The recommendations given within the analysis is mainly aimed to the NCEQE, and aim to the further development of both the 3 year progress-report evaluation and the authorization/accreditation follow-up mechanisms in general, in order to further improve the higher education QA in Georgia.


Thematic  Analysis of the Best International Practices and National Legal Framework for the Introduction of Micro-Credentials in the Higher Education System of Georgia


This thematic analysis explores current international practices and guidelines for introducing, implementing, and recognizing micro-credentials in higher education. It also examines existing national experiences with micro-credentials systems in higher education. The goal is to identify the legal framework's needs for introducing, implementing, recognizing, and ensuring the quality of micro-credentials in Georgia's higher education system. Based on this analysis, recommendations will be developed for implementing the optimal micro-credential system and its corresponding legal regulations.