Education System


Early and Preschool Upbringing and Educational System.


The field of early and preschool upbringing and education in Georgia is regulated by the Law of Georgia "On Early and Preschool Upbringing and Education". In Georgia, preschool upbringing and education, including school readiness programme is voluntary. In public institutions for preschool upbringing and education in Georgia, children are ensured with free education and catering services, according to the rules established by the legislation of Georgia.

The beneficiaries of the system are children from 0 to school age and the services provided to them are divided into three main directions:
•    Early upbringing and education - services provided to a child under the age of 2 (early) and to his/ her parent /legal representative, which includes: education and support for a parent/legal representative; services provided to childcare institutions for children under a certain age, healthcare, catering, hygienic and sanitary safety, early intervention and inclusive education services;
•    Preschool upbringing and education - upbringing and education services provided to a child to ensure his/her comprehensive development from the age of 2 before the entry to the first grade of the primary level of general education. The school readiness programme is a mandatory component of preschool upbringing and education;
•    School readiness programme – an educational programme developed based on the state education standard for school readiness, which facilitates the achievement of results set by the standard.


General Education System
General education in Georgia is regulated by the following laws of Georgia: the Law of Georgia "on General Education" and the Law of Georgia "on Educational Quality Improvement", current National Curriculum and other by-laws.
Complete general education in Georgia comprises 12 years of schooling and is implemented in three levels (primary, basic, secondary). Primary education consists of 6 years and is conducted in grades I - VI; basic education consists of 3 years and is conducted in grades VII-IX; secondary education consists of 3 years and is conducted in grades X-XII. Primary and basic education is mandatory. General education institution can be either a public or a private legal entity. Acquisition of knowledge in general education institutions is provided according to the national curriculum, which is implemented and developed by the Department of National Curriculums of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports. After completion of basic education, a basic general education certificate is issued, after completing of full general education, a full general education certificate is issued. A person holding a full general education certificate has the right to continue their studies at a higher education institution. Upon completion of the basic level, based on the positive evaluation in all subjects, a person has the right to exit the school and continue education at the third level of general education or at the vocational programme. General education is fully funded by the state according to the rules established by law, through the voucher corresponding to the financial norm calculated per student. By November 2020, 2085 public schools and 224 private schools operate in Georgia.


Vocational education system
Vocational education in Georgia is regulated by: Law of Georgia "on vocational education"; Law of Georgia "on Educational Quality improvement" and other by-laws. 
The types of vocational educational institutions are: Vocational educational institution/college is authorized to implement vocational educational programmes, short-cycle educational programmes, vocational training programmes, vocational retraining programmes and language preparation programmes.

An institution obtains the status of a vocational educational institution by meeting the procedures and standards specified in the authorization statute and obtaining authorization. Only an authorized vocational education institution has the right to issue vocational diploma recognized by the state. The administration of the authorization procedure is ensured by LEPL - National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement.

Based on the Law of Georgia "on Vocational Education", higher and general educational institutions are allowed to implement vocational education programmes without obtaining additional authorization. Among them, higher education institution is authorized to implement any type of vocational education programme, short-cycle educational programme, Georgian language preparation programme, vocational training programme, or/and vocational retraining programme. Whereas, general educational institution is authorized to implement basic vocational education programme, secondary vocational education programme, Georgian language preparation programme, vocational training programme, or/and vocational retraining programme. 
Vocational education is carried out through:

a) vocational education programme, which includes the following types:

a.a) basic vocational education programme, which awards a qualification relevant to the 3rd level of the National Qualifications Framework; 

a.b) secondary vocational education programme, which awards a qualification relevant to the 4th level of the National Qualifications Framework; 

a.c) higher vocational education programme, which awards a qualification relevant to the 5th level of the National Qualifications Framework; 

b) vocational training programme, which prepares individuals to perform specific tasks and duties related to a profession. The learning outcomes of the vocational training programme may correspond to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th level of the National Qualifications Framework. 

c) vocational retraining programme, which aims to acquire/develop competencies for carrying out professional activities in the same field. The learning outcomes of the vocational retraining programme may correspond to the 2nd/3rd/4th/5th level of the National Qualifications Framework.


Higher Education System

Higher education in Georgia is regulated by: Law of Georgia "on higher education"; Law of Georgia "on educational quality improvement" and other by-laws.  The higher education system in Georgia consists of three levels and is implemented at Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral levels
of higher education; 
The types of higher education institutions are: 
a) College - a higher education institution that carries out only the first level - bachelor's educational programme/programmes of higher academic education; 
b) University - a higher education institution that carries out integrated master's programme in veterinary medicine, teacher preparation integrated bachelor's and master's programmes, medicine/dentistry educational programmes, bachelor's and master's educational programmes, master's and/or doctoral educational programmes and scientific research or higher academic educational programmes of all three levels along with scientific research. 

A higher education institution can be either a public or a private legal entity. 

The implementation of regulated, teacher preparation, Georgian language preparation and doctoral educational programmes is permitted only after receiving accreditation. 

Higher education programmes are described by the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. 
A person with full general education has the right to study at the first level of higher education - bachelor's level. The admission precondition for a bachelor's educational programme is the Unified National Examinations.
Bachelor's educational programme consists of at least 240 credits. A higher education institution, in accordance with the rules established by the order of the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia, is authorized to develop a Bachelor's educational Programme, which includes at least 180 credits. 

The teacher preparation educational programme is implemented as an independent programme, which must be completed in no less than 1 academic year and consists of 60 credits. The graduate is awarded a certificate for teacher preparation in a specific subject or subject group. The admission precondition to the programme is a bachelor’s degree or an equivalent academic qualification, along with confirmation of subject - specific competency based on the results of subject exams organized by the National Assessment and Examination Center. 

The veterinary preparation educational programme is implemented as an independent educational programme, which is taught for no less than 1 academic year and consists of 60 credits. Admission precondition to the programme is a bachelor's degree in veterinary medicine. The graduate is awarded a certificate of a veterinarian. Holder of a veterinarian certificate can continue studies at the third level of higher education (doctoral level) in a relevant field. 

The medical doctor educational programme consists of 360 credits and the educational programmes for a dentist/veterinarian/teacher consists of 300 credits. 

The admission precondition for the second level of higher education is at least a bachelor's degree or an equivalent academic qualification. Admission precondition is the master's exam. Additional admission requirements are determined by the higher education institution. Master’s educational programme consists of no less than 120 ECTS credits. A higher education institution, in accordance with the rules established by the order of the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, is authorized to develop a master's educational programme, which consists of no less than 60 ECTS credits.

A person with at least a master’s degree or an equivalent academic qualification has the right to study at the third level in a higher education institution. Admission preconditions are determined by the higher education institution. The duration of a doctoral educational programme is no less than 3 years, and its educational component includes no more than 60 credits. 
By November 2020, the number of authorized higher education institutions in Georgia is 63.