How we collaborate with students

Such principles are the key pillar the LEPL – National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement relies on, and when the HEI Authorization and Program Accreditation Standards were revised, special attention was paid to student engagement therein. Hence, a rule has been developed according to which a student representative is one of the permanent and important actors in carrying out external quality assurance procedures.

Student engagement in a comprehensive and thorough assessment of the HEI Authorization Standards is a key factor. EQE always welcomes engagement of student representatives in the Expert Corps, where they participate in the HEI authorization and accreditation processes.  


An HEI authorization expert has the following responsibilities:


Participation in the assessment process to establish HEI compliance with the Authorization Standards, which covers the following:

Examination of the authorization documents submitted by the institution;

Formulation of remarks, viewpoints and questions in respect of the standard on the basis of the examined documents;

Participation in drawing up an authorization site-visit agenda;

Participation in the authorization site-visit, which involves consideration of all issues for reporting purposes, including interviews with the persons concerned, requiring additional documents, where necessary, and conducting a visual inspection;  

Participation in reviewing and summarizing the results, as well as in reporting after the visit;

Participation in the meeting of the Authorization Council to discuss relevant issues;

Participation in training sessions and workshops organized by EQE.


Qualification requirements to be met by a student member of the HEI authorization and accreditation expert pool are as follows:  

Knowledge and experience;

Holding an active student status;

High academic performance;

Involvement in student and educational activities;

Being familiar with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) 2015;

The Law of Georgia on Higher Education;

The Law of Georgia on Educational Quality Enhancement;

1 October Order #99/n of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia on Approval of the Educational Institution Authorization Charter and Fee;

4 May 2011 Order #65/n of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia on Approval of the Educational Institution Programs Charter and Fee.



Computer literacy;

Teamwork and effective communication skills;

Ability to collect and analyze data and reasoning skills;

Knowledge of English