The National Qualifications Framework and Learning Fields Classifier
The revised National Qualifications Framework and Learning Fields Classifier approved by Order of the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia.
The National Qualifications Framework considers the requirements of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF LLL) and European Higher Education Area Qualifications Framework (QF-EHEA). The document unites all the qualifications existing in Georgia, reflects the learning outcomes of different levels of general, vocational and higher education.The National Qualification Framework establishes what knowledge, skills, and responsibilities should a person have for obtaining the document verifying the completion of the relevant cycle.
Classification of Fields of Study based on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization documents "International Standard Classification of Education" (ISCED-F-2013) and the "Education and Training Field 2013 - Description of Detailed Fields" (ISCED-Foet-2013) classifies existing fields of study in Georgia and defines the qualifications to be awarded in each field of study.