On the 27th of June, 2022, in accordance to the decision by the Higher Education Institution Authorization Council, LLC Millennium Teaching University was not granted authorization (institutional accreditation). Accordingly, the institution lost its status of higher educational institution. The Council decision was based on the self-evaluation report, authorization documents, argument-based judgment, arguments presented during the council hearing and the report by the authorization experts committee which consisted of local as well as international experts from Lithuania and Great Britain who acted as Chair and Co-Chair of the committee.
In accordance to the Higher Education Institution Authorization Council, in order to protect the LLC Millennium Teaching University students’ rights and interests, who are enrolled at the university in accordance with the law, the institution is granted the right by the Council to conclude all educational processes in the current semester so that the students complete their studies. Thus, the decision by the Council will be effective since August the 1st, 2022.
Once the current semester is complete, the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement of Georgia in cooperation with the Education Management Information System will organize an extraordinary (additional) student mobility through simplified procedures (extraordinary mobility) for those students who wish to resume their studies at other authorized higher educational institutions.
It is essential that not a single local and international student at LLC Millennium Teaching University be left without the right to receive higher education, and everyone be given equal opportunity to continue their studies at authorized higher education institutions.
The National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement of Georgian and the Education Management Information System will in the nearest future plan a meeting with the LLC Millennium Teaching University students.
It should be further clarified that higher education authorization process considers Agender for the Modernization of Higher Education by the European Union and recommendations developed through Bologna process, including the requirements by the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), in accordance to which it is essential that students’ rights be protected – on the one hand, the right to receive quality education, and on the other hand, if an institution is not granted an authorization, the right for student mobility in order for students to be transferred to other authorized higher educational institutions.