Supporting Measures Offered to Higher Educational Institutions in the Process of Cluster Accreditation

30 November 2022

Within the framework of implementation of cluster accreditation procedures, in accordance with the updated regulations of the Accreditation Statute, higher educational institutions (HEIs) are eligible to request the Center to hold a preparatory meeting for the accreditation process at least 1 (one) month prior to submitting an accreditation application. The preparatory meeting aims to offer a cooperative context and share information on the process of self-evaluation, planning and implementation of accreditation site-visits, as well as accreditation standards and procedures. Since formal introduction of this option 6 HEIs have already benefited from this service offered by the Center.


The Center shows its willingness to organize consultation meetings even more intensely upon requests from the HEIs.  Respective HEIs need to send a letter to the Center's official e-mail - info@eqe.ge, or through the e-document system – Eflow, and request a consultation meeting.