The National Center for Education Quality Enhancement continues supporting implementation of the EU-funded PROFFORMANCE+ project

9 February 2023

The PROFFORMANCE+ (2022-2025) project aims to continue a guiding and supporting mission for higher education actors at all relevant levels (EU, EHEA, national, HEI) with a special focus and address to HE teachers with a parallel bottom-up and top-down approach. The PROFFORMANCE+ project’s main focus thus is the quality enhancement of teaching and learning (T&L) with special attention to the priorities of Rome Communique: digitalization, inclusion, internationalization and sustainability, taking into consideration the messages of related European and international policy topics and documents as European skills agenda, goals addressing HE in European Education Area 2025, namely the currently planned European Strategy for Universities, related objectives of Digital Education Action Plan, Green Deal and SDGs 2030.

PROFFORMANCE+ (2022-2025) project PLA held on January 24, 2023 was aimed at discussing the measures and existing best practices supporting the reflection of the principles of internationalization, digitalization, inclusion and sustainable development in higher education in partner countries. Higher Education experts and representative of the NCEQE, Georgia participated in the event.


The session of the PLA on internationalization was moderated by the expert of the NCEQE; in this session institutional practices supporting internationalization project partner countries were reviewed. The session also focused on SWOT analysis in this direction. In the session on Sustainability, the participants from Georgia talked about supporting embeddedness of Sustainability in T&L in higher education. The results of the discussion can be viewed at this link.

PROFFORMANCE Assessment tool and the PROFFORMANCE teaching excellence database developed in the project have also been presented during the PLA. The mutual peer learning during the event proved to be useful and the work can be continued, to define how higher education institutions and teachers can be supported to achieve European and national policy goals. PROFFORMANCE+ project works to develop a toolkit which facilitates assessment and development on these areas. Check out the updates on the project from the project website.