Based on the results of the successful operation of the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement (NCEQE) in 2022, the Board of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) made a decision to select and give priority to the NCEQE among many other countries to host the 2023 annual international forum.
Heads and staff of quality assurance agencies from 32 European countries, working groups and representatives of the European Quality Assurance Register - EQAR, Association of European Universities, European Students' Association, and Bologna Process Task Force took part in the forum.
At the annual international forum, the participants discussed current issues and trends related to higher education policy and quality assurance issues in the European area.
It should be noted that on April 25, 2019, by the decision of the ENQA, the NCEQE was granted the status of a full member of ENQA for a period of 5 years. According to ENQA's assessment, the NCEQE is in compliance with the standards and guidelines for quality assurance of the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015) and meets the main criteria for ENQA membership.
In 2021, the implementation of the recommendations made by the ENQA expert group was monitored. According to the assessment of the ENQA's monitoring group, all recommendations have been implemented by the NCEQE resulting in the increased degree of harmonization of quality assurance mechanisms of higher education in Georgia with the uniform standards and principles of quality assurance in the European area.
The decision of the ENQA Board that Georgia and the NCEQE would host the annual international forum is once again a confirmation that recent changes in higher education quality assurance in Georgia are in line with common European standards and approaches.