QUATRA-TPGA A – “Qualifications Frameworks for trust, transparency and diversity- TPG A”

Project implementation period: 01.05.2022- 30.04.2025

In terms of Erasmus + Programme, Key Commitment 1 (a three-cycle system compatible with the overarching Qualification Framework of the EHEA and second cycle degrees scaled by ECTS), in line with the Bologna Declaration of 1999 and its Communiques.

Aim- to enhance cooperation between national authorities, EHEA TPGA members and stakeholders in developing common European standards for quality and transparency and to ensure the fulfilment of the key commitments that are essential for the functioning of the EHEA. 

Main objective- to provide the EHEA member states with opportunities for peer learning and exchange of best practices by organizing various PLA activities and working groups on key priorities of Qualifications Frameworks, and to provide specific recommendations on various Qualification Framework- related topics.

Project activities:
1.    Project management, coordination and monitoring;
2.    Thematic Peer Group A on Qualification Frameworks (TPG A) meetings;
3.    Peer- learning activities on key priorities implementing Qualification  Frameworks;
4.    Working groups on Qualification Framework- related topics- to ensure more intensive discussions in order to provide specific recommendations on the related topics;
5.    International conference.

Project partners:
1.    Academic information centre (AIC), designated body by the ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia;
2.    Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation, designated body by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research of Austria
3.    Haridus-ja Teadusministeerium- Estonian Ministry of Education and Research;
4.    The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research of Austria- associates partner from Austria;
5.    National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement (NCEQE) - associated partner from Georgia.