Implementation the General Education Program Recognized Abroad

According Article 341 of the Law of Georgia on General Education, “In Georgia it is allowed to implement only the general education program recognized abroad which has been subject to a signed agreement between the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement and the authorized institution of a foreign country”.

The criteria and standards for signing the agreement defined by the resolution of the Government of Georgia on criteria and standards for conducting agreement by the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement with the authorized foreign institution, which carries out recognition of general education programs recognized abroad. (Decree No.130 of March 15, 2017)

A certificate of education issued in Georgia upon completion of a general education program recognized abroad is equal to the document proving the full general education and grants the right to proceed to the next level education.


National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement has signed agreement with:

1. IB (International Baccalaureate), the program of which is implemented by LTD New School (Identification code: 202903750), LTD European School  (Identification code: 205172917), LTD  Newton Free School (Identification code: 216313727) and LTD British Georgian Academy (Identification code: 204497829).
2. QSI (Quality School International), the program of which is implemented by  NNLE QSI International School of Tbilisi (Identification code: 205066934).
3. Cambridge Assessment International Education, whose Cambridge Pathway program is implemented by the LTD British International School of Tbilisi (Identification code: 405351943), LTD British Georgian Academy (Identification code: 204497829) and LTD UG School  (Identification code: 205258344).
4. Sabis Educational Holding, program name - Sabis Educational System.

5. LTD Educational center school projector (Identification code: 416361699).