Educational programs in Georgia can be implemented in an authorized mode or can be accredited. Students can only obtain a state tuition grant if they are enrolled at an accredited program. The program is accredited for a period of 6 years, and in case of conditional accreditation for a period of 2 years. If the program has just been developed by a higher education institution, its accreditation period is 4 years. Accreditation reports and decisions of higher education programs evaluated by us can be found here So, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the final report of the programme accreditation and the decision of the Accreditation Council in relation to programme.
There are some recommendations and other necessary information that we consider will help you while choosing the programs:
- Be sure to read the accreditation report of the programs you have chosen. Please also read the authorization report of the institution (s) you have selected on this link
- Knowing the goals and content of the program will help you make a choice. Check whether the courses offered by the particular program meet your interest. Descriptions of the programs must be provided on the webpage of higher education institutions;
- Evaluate what kind of knowledge and skills the program of your choice develops and compare it with analogous programs offered by other institutions;
- Get to know and evaluate the academic staff and their experience which are involved in the implementation of the program; Resumes of academic staff members should normally be provided on the web pages of the institutions;
- Specify the language of teaching and make sure whether you need to know any foreign languages to successfully complete the program;
- Try to determine whether it is possible for students to do internships, participate in international mobility and exchange programs within the program / institution of your choice;
- Ask for feedback from alumni of the program / institution of your choice;
- Please consider that the duration of study at the first stage of educational program (BA) is 4 years and BA programs consist of at least 240 credits;
- Prerequisite for enrollment in the bachelor's program is passing the Unified National Examinations. Do not trust the institutions that offer enrollment at higher education institutions of Georgia without passing unified national exams;
- The duration of the second stage (master's) educational programs is mainly 2 years and the total student workload includes 120 credits;
- Medical Doctor / Dental Education Program is a one-cycle higher education program that finishes with the award of an academic degree of Medical Doctor / Dentist. The academic degree awarded as a result of graduating a 360-credit Medical Doctor educational program or a 300-credit program in dentistry is equal to master’s academic degree; the duration of study on MD programmes is 6 years.
- Duration of studying at doctoral programs is 3 to 5 years. A person with at least a master's degree or an equivalent academic degree has the right to study at a doctorate. Please consider that individuals with an Executive MBA degree are not eligible to pursuing their doctoral studies;
- Please consider that institutional authorization is a precondition for higher education institutions for functioning and for awarding degrees recognized by the state. You may also find it useful to see the types of authorized higher education institutions in Georgia.
You can see a short video on higher education system in Georgia here.