Development of NQF

 Development of National Qualifications Framework

 Planned changes

Approval of the updated National Qualifications Framework


The revised National Qualifications Framework and Learning Fields Classifier was approved by Order of the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia in 2019 (order N69/n)

considers the requirements of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF LLL) and European Higher Education Area Qualifications Framework (QF-EHEA). The document unites all the qualifications existing in Georgia, reflects the learning outcomes of different levels of general, vocational and higher education.The National Qualification Framework establishes what knowledge, skills, and responsibilities should a person have for obtaining the document verifying the completion of the relevant cy


Implemented Activities in 2013 -2014

 In 2013 the National Qualification Framework Analysis Process was launched. Process was organized by LEPL - National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement, where working meetings were held between experts and specialists of each educational level (general, professional, higher)

 As a result of the implemented works, an analysis document was prepared, where deficiencies in the system were depicted and further steps were noted to eliminate these deficiencies.


Implemented Activities in 2014 -2015

 With the purpose of further development of the National Quality Framework and the insurance of compliance with European Qualifications Framework, a working group was established by the director of the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement in 2014.


In 2014-2015 the working group established various workshops with wide involvement of interested parties.


As a result of two years’ work, following documents were prepared: Qualifications Framework (Comparative Analysis of International and National Frameworks); The projects on National Qualifications Framework and the Classifiers of Fields of Study; Two-year plan for the elaboration and implementation of the National Qualifications Framework (2015-2017); A package of amendments and additions to the normative acts for the approval and implementation of the National Qualifications Framework.


Cooperation with the European Training Foundation (ETF) for the purpose of introduction of the revised National Qualifications Framework.


In 2017, within the scope of cooperation between the National Center for Educational Quality (NCEQE) Enhancement and the European Training foundation (ETF), further steps for approval and implementation of the revised National Qualifications Framework and Classifiers of Fields of Study were determined.


Within the framework of cooperation, a two-year (2017-2019) working plan was introduced; An analysis document was prepared - The Georgian Qualification Framework in 2017: A baseline analysis and description of qualifications; Concept document was also prepared, in which political and methodological proposals are offered on the main aspects of the National Qualifications Framework.


Approval of the updated National Qualifications Framework

The revised National Qualifications Framework and Learning Fields Classifier was approved by Order of the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia in 2019 (order N69/n).

The National Qualifications Framework considers the requirements of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF LLL) and European Higher Education Area Qualifications Framework (QF-EHEA). The document unites all the qualifications existing in Georgia, reflects the learning outcomes of different levels of general, vocational and higher education.The National Qualification Framework establishes what knowledge, skills, and responsibilities should a person have for obtaining the document verifying the completion of the relevant cycle.


Classification of Fields of Study  classifies existing fields of study in Georgia and defines the qualifications to be awarded in each field of study.